El Tossal de Baltarga

Municipality: Bellver de Cerdanya

Region: Cerdanya

Chronology: Late Bronze Age, Ceretan, Roman-Republican

Promoter: Ajuntament de Bellver de Cerdanya, UAB

Dates: September-October 2015.

The Tossal de Baltarga is a site excavated uninterruptedly since 2011 within a project from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in which Arqueòlegs.cat collaborates in the execution and direction of the archaeological tasks. Originated at the end of the Bronze Age, the settlement became a key point for the control of the territory during the Iberian phase, in the fourth century BC. After an episode of violent destruction around the year 200 BC, the site started to be ad-ministered by the Roman Estate, with the construction of different fortification structures. In the third quarter of the 1st century BC, as happened with the oppidum of Castellot, the settlement was abandoned.

Since the first archaeological season, the remains that were documented were once again co-vered, so that they could be preserved. However, in 2015 the Bellver Town Hall and the Univer-sitat Autònoma de Barcelona promoted the consolidation of the excavated walls and structures. This work was carried out by Arqueòlegs.cat. The basic criterion was that of minimal interven-tion, respecting the archaeological stratigraphic relationships and applying and using the ma-terials present in the site. Mortars were made with eco-compatible materials.

Arqueòlegs.cat has a policy of sustainability and eco-prevention with the environment, avoiding all chemical products that can affect biomass and the ecosystem.